Command line interface

The Raspberry Pi OS, Raspbian, uses CLI as its primary user interface (which is common for Linux-based operating systems). You can use a secure shell connection to access the command line.

Basic commands

Double-tapping the Tab ↹ key autocompletes the command or its argument. This is known as "tab completion".

Show the contents of the current directory:


Change current (working) directory:

cd catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/launch

Go one directory level up:

cd ..

Print path to the current directory:


Go to the user's home directory:

# all three commands are equivalent, where the tilde character (~) is an abbreviated
# path entry to the home directory, and the $HOME variable stores this path
cd ~
cd $HOME

Print contents of the file:


Run as a Python script:


Reboot Raspberry Pi:

sudo reboot

You can terminate currently running (foreground) program by pressing Ctrl+C.

Read more about the Linux command line in the Raspberry Pi documentation:

Editing files

You can use nano to edit files on the Raspberry Pi. It is one of the more user-friendly console-based text editor.

  1. Use the following command to edit or create a file:

    nano path/to/file

    For example:

    nano ~/catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/launch/clover.launch

    Editing files in nano

  2. Edit the file.
  3. Press Ctrl+X, Y, Enter to save your file and exit.
  4. Restart the clover service if you've changed .launch files:

    sudo systemctl restart clover

You may also use other editors like vim if you prefer.

Resetting changes

For resetting all the changes in Clover package related files (launch-files), use git:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/clover
git checkout .
sudo systemctl restart clover

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    No results matching ""